Hey Mister

​Hey Mister, the blog of Patrick Hosmer

Now There's No Excuse Not To Have That Harry Potter Party

I have your Harry Potter Bar Menu right here, lover.

I've carefully mixed and remixed and tested all of these concoctions over the past 5 weeks and they're all pretty stellar. Feel free to alter the recipes but know that a lot of love went into each specific brew. I do this for you, my muggles.

Mildly Spoilery.

The Voldemartini

Dirty Gin Martini with sweet pickle juice in lieu of olive juice. Garnish with a parsley sprig. Drink it through gritted teeth and savor the chill it puts in your stomach.

Expecto Patronum Pacficio

Equal parts Patrón, passion fruit puree and lime juice. On ice. Garnish with a lime wheel. Give a sip to the person standing next to you and tell them to say an animal. That's your Patronus and you can't ever change it.

Ginny Weasley Tonic

Standard Gin & Tonic with a cherry. 

Sirius Black & Tan

Guinness combined with Harp in a pint glass. Nothing really special about this except you die when you're finished. Drop in a sugar cube for a sweet ending.

Goblet of Fire

Absolut Peppar Vodka in a merlot glass, a couple drops of grenadine, juice of half a lime. Garnish with one red Thai chile pepper. It's probably best if you just leave this on a table and make people take sips from it for party fouls.

Tom Riddle Collins

Combine three parts club soda, 2 parts gin, 1 part grapefruit juice in a glass. Be creepy. Mix with a teaspoon of superfine sugar. Betray Dumbledore. Add ice. Garnish with a big chunk of grapefruit. Become the most evil wizard ever.

Spiced Albus Rumbledore

1 oz. Captain Morgan Spiced Rum mixed into a glass of hot apple cider. Garnished with a cinnamon stick. If you drink this, it might eventually come out that you're gay.

Bloody Harry

Mix all this stuff together in a pint glass: 1.5 oz of vodka, tomato juice, celery salt, ground black pepper, Tabasco sauce, Worcestershire sauce, pure horseradish and lemon juice. Mix. Top off with a shot of Red Bull. Garnish with a celery stalk and a cocktail shrimp. If you want your Harry mature, lose the shrimp.

Cho Changria

Carrascão mixed with sliced pineapple, melon, mango, plum and citrus fruits. Squeeze in a bunch of honey. Add just a bit of triple sec and an entire bottle of Dimetapp. Serves one. All night long. 

Mr. Weasley's Car Bomb

Dissolve a heaping spoonful of brown sugar into 3/4 pint of Guinness and then drop in a shot glass of one part Jameson and one part Bailey's. Pound. Drift away.

Avodka Kedavra 

A vodka shot with a squirt of Pepsi Max and a whole garlic clove. Fuck a chaser. 

Blue Luna Lovegood

Blue Moon in a pint glass. Drop in a shot of Banana Schnapps. This tastes so good you'll get in an argument with someone over how under-appreciated Schnapps is and you never thought you'd get in one of those. 

Ron Squeezely 

Half a bottle of ginger beer, an oz of dark rum and juice of one whole lemon. Lots of ice. Squeeze out all the lemon juice by hand and when you're done yell, "I see the Snitch!" and throw the lemon remainder across the room. 

Severus Grape

Sugar the rim of a martini glass. Make a vodka martini but use grapes instead of olives. Add a dash of grenadine and it's called a Half-Blood Prince

Creme Dementor

Cold gin, Creme de Menthe, heavy cream. Garnish with a black licorice Twizzler. People say they only sell them during Halloween but every Walgreens has the black Twizz. 

Razkaban Spritzer 

Mix vodka, soda, Chambord, a handful of raspberries and some mint. Ice cubes. Make one of these for someone and they'll never escape your charm! 

Chilled Mudblood

Also known as a Lone Granger. Equal parts Absolut Kurant, Kahlua, Bailey's and heavy cream in a glass with ice. Pop in some blackberries or razzies or any other kind of light fruit that looks like blooood. 

Liquid Luck

This is any of the above drinks with roofies added. J/K, Rowling! You think I'm serious?! Wizard, please. I meant ecstasy, my muggles, ecstasy.

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